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The Band of Brothers
This WoW First Aid guide will show you the fastest way how to get your First Aid skill up from 1 to 525. Updated for WoW patch 4.3.3
First Aid is recommended to all classes as a way of reducing downtime between battles, by quickly restoring health after combat. It is highly recommended for melee classes without healing abilites.
Approximate Cloths Required for 1-525:
If you have the guild perk [Working Overtime], you will need fewer materials.
170 Linen Cloth
180 Wool Cloth
150 Silk Cloth
110 Mageweave Cloth
80 Runecloth
115 Netherweave Cloth
110 Frostweave Cloth
280 Embersilk Cloth
At first, visit any First Aid trainer, pick up the profession and you will automatically learn to make Linen Bandage.
1 - 4050 x [Linen Bandage] - 50 Linen cloth
40 - 8060 x [Heavy Linen Bandage] - 120 Linen Cloth
You'll have to visit your trainer again at 75 (or 50) to be able to continue skilling up to 150.
80 -11560 x [Wool Bandage] - 60 Wool Cloth
115 - 15060 x [Heavy Wool Bandage] - 120 Wool Cloth
Learn Expert First Aid
150 -18050 x [Silk Bandage] - 50 Silk Cloth
180 - 21050 x [Heavy Silk Bandage] - 100 Silk Cloth
Learn Artisan First Aid
210 - 24050 x [Mageweave Bandage] - 50 Mageweave Cloth
240 - 26030 x [Heavy Mageweave Bandage] - 60 Mageweave Cloth
260 - 29050 x [Runecloth Bandage] - 50 Runecloth
290 - 30015 x [Heavy Runecloth Bandage] - 30 Runecloth
Learn Master First Aid.
300 - 34045 x [Netherweave Bandage] - 45 Netherweave Cloth
340 - 367 35 x [Heavy Netherweave Bandage] - 70 Netherweave Cloth
Learn Grand Master First Aid.
367 - 40040 x [Frostweave Bandage] - 40 Frostweave Cloth
400 - 42535 [Heavy Frostweave Bandage] - 70 Frostweave Cloth
Learn Illustrious Grand Master First Aid.
425 - 47570 [Embersilk Bandage] - 70 Embersilk Cloth
475 - 525105 [Heavy Embersilk Bandage] - 210 Embersilk Cloth
First Aid Leveling Guide 1-525

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