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This WoW Leatherworking guide will show you the fastest and cheapest way how to level your Leatherworking skill up from 1 to 525. Updated for WoW patch 4.3.3
Leatherworking is the best combined with Skinning, it's not required to have skinning, but it's strongly recommended. Check out the Skinning Leveling Guide if you want to level Skinning. You can also buy the materials at the Auction House, but then make sure you have enough gold.
If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold.
If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. You can level your character to level 85 in 5 days with this guide.
Leatherworking guide sections:
Apprentice 1 - 55 Journeyman 55 - 135 Expert 135 - 210 Artisan 205 - 290 Master 290 - 350 Grand Master 350 - 425 Illustrious 425 - 525 
Approximate Materials Required for 1-525:- 57 Ruined Leather Scraps- 130 Coarse Thread- 15 Medium Hide- 75 Salt- 260 Light Leather- 160 Medium Leather- 197 Fine Thread- 31 Gray Dye- 20 Heavy Hide- 195 Heavy Leather- 410 Thick Leather- 145 Silken Thread- 410 Rugged Leather- 35 Black Dye- 92 Rune Thread- 100 Knothide Leather Scraps- 307 Knothide Leather- 28 Fel Scales- 212 Borean Leather- 123 Heavy Borean Leather (738 Borean Leather) - You will need a lot less if you use Arctic Fur. Don't buy all of these.- 100 Crystallized Water - You won't need all of these if you use Arctic Fur.- 5 Eternal Water- 50 Savage Leather Scraps- 375 Savage Leather- 168 Heavy Savage Leather (840 Savage Leather)- 68 Volatile Fire- 8 Volatile Air- 28 Volatile Water- 32 Volatile Earth
Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1 - 55
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Leatherworking Apprentice.
Make sure to check out my Farming Guides if you wan to farm the leathers instead of buying them.
You should start with Light Leather farming if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 20-30 or 1-3010 x [Light Armor Kit] - 10 Light Leather
    You can make these from 1-30 too, if you don't have Ruined Leather Scraps.
55 - 135
Learn Leatherworking Journeyman.
  • 85-10015 x [Fine Leather Belt] - 90 Light Leather, 30 Coarse Thread
    Keep these, you will need them.
Go to my Medium Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
135 - 200
Learn Leatherworking Expert.
Make [Dark Leather Cloak] if you still don't have [Cured Medium Hide].
  • 130-14515 x [Dark Leather Belt] - 15 Fine Leather Belt, 15 Cured Medium Hide, 30 Fine Thread, 15 Gray Die
Go to my Heavy Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 190-20010 x [Guardian Gloves] - 40 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide, 10 Silken Thread
Go to my Thick Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
205 - 265
Learn Leatherworking Artisan.
Go to my Rugged Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 265-29025 x [Wicked Leather Bracers] - 200 Rugged Leather, 25 Black Dye, 25 Rune Thread
    Recipe is yellow for the last few points, you might need to make more.
    If 4 Heavy Scorpid Scale are cheaper than 4 Rugged Leather, you can craft the following item:
    [Heavy Scorpid Bracers] - Recipe location
    Or make [Frostsaber Boots] if one Essence of Water is cheaper than 4 Rugged Leather on your realm.
290 - 350
Visit your trainer learn Leatherworking Master.
Go to my Knothide Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 325-33543 x [Heavy Knothide Leather] - 215 Knothide Leather
    Just go to the next step if you didn't reach 335 by making these, but then you will need a few more [Heavy Knothide Leather].
    If one Heavy Knothide Leather is cheaper than 5 Knothide Leather, stop making the Heavy Knothide Leathers when you reach 330, buy them from the Auction House instead.
  • 340-350If you don't have to that much Fel Scales, you can make [Thick Draenic Vest] up to 345 or 350 if you can't find any Fel Scales in the AH at all.
    14 x [Scaled Draenic Boots] - 28 Heavy Knothide Leather, 28 Fel Scales, 42 Rune Thread
    This recipe goes yellow at 345, so you will need to make a few extra ones. I suggest gathering enough materials for 14.
350 - 425
Visit your trainer and learn Leatherworking Grand Master.
Go to my Borean Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 390-405Make the recipe below until you reach 400, then go to the Auction House and check the [Arctic Fur]prices. If one Arctic Fur is cheaper than 4 Heavy Borean Leather (24 Borean Leather) then buy it and make any Fur Lining recipe. Buy as many as you can and don't make the 123 Heavy Borean Leathers if you bought Arctics Furs, make more only if you need it.
    123 x [Heavy Borean Leather] - 738 Borean Leather
425 - 525
Visit your trainer and learn Leatherworking Illustrious.
Go to my Savage Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
  • 425-43510 x [Savage Leather] - 50 Savage Leather Scraps
    Start making the next recipe in the guide if you don't have Savage Leather Scraps, and obviously if you have more Scraps, just make Savage Leather until it turns gray.
  • 450-46010 x [Tsunami Boots] - 70 Savage Leather, 10 Eternium Thread
    You can buy Eternium Threads from Leatherworking Supply vendors and you could also make any other item that requires 7 Savage Leather.
  • 460-47010 x [Savage Cloak] - 70 Savage Leather, 10 Eternium Thread
    Or any other orange item that requires 7 Savage Leather.
  • 496-5022 x [Cloak of Beast] - 16 Heavy Savage Leather, 4 Volatile Earth, 4 Volatile Air, 4 Volatile Water, 4 Volatile Fire
  • 502-5042 x [Darkbrand Helm] - 10 Heavy Savage Leather
    It is really important to stop making these at 504!
  • 504-5102 x [Cloak of Beast] - 16 Heavy Savage Leather, 4 Volatile Earth, 4 Volatile Air, 4 Volatile Water, 4 Volatile Fire
    2 x [Cloak of War] - 120 Blackened Dragonscale
Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open, the event starts at 00:01 on the Sunday before the 1st Monday of each month.
You can gain +5 skill points by completing a single quest. Click here to read more about the quests.
  • 510-525You can buy these recipes in all major cities near your Leatherworking Trainer, the NPC is labeled as "Leatherworking Supplies". This does not include Dalaran and Shattrath.
    Every vendor recipe changes to yellow after 5 skill points, this means you're going to purchase a new recipe every 5 points. Each of these recipes gives you 2 skill points. You can use different recipes, because most of them use the same amount of materials, here is the path I did:
    You will need 30 more Heavy Savage Leathers to buy the 3 recipes.
    3 x [Vicious Leather Bracers] - 30 Heavy Savage Leather, 30 Volatile Fire
    3 x [Vicious Leather Boots] - 30 Heavy Savage Leather, 30 Volatile Fire
    2 x [Vicious Leather Helm] - 20 Heavy Savage Leather, 20 Volatile Water
I hope you liked this WoW Leatherworking guide, GZ to 525!


Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-525

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